The JSON Schema

Each directory (namely stickpage, slushers, and animators) has its own different JSON fields and formats.

Need some help?

We complied templates to ease filling up the form and available in the templates directory of the Central Database repo. We'll also have an JSON generator app soon.


Oh god, I'm new to JSON. Welp!

Don't worry, we got you covered! Try a quick DuckDuckGo search and pick one or even a few about JSON 101 to help you get started.

Why the #*%) you use JSON?

  • We can easily send a response to the client from the API because JSON is just text-only.

  • JSON is language independent. While JSON uses JavaScript syntax, the JSON format is just text.

What is the JSON syntax?

See also this article on W3Schools for more details for detailed syntax.

Values must be a string, a number, an object (JSON object), an array, a boolean (true or false), or null

Last updated